The dark muck that came up from the drain to ruin lives...

The dark muck that came up from the drain to ruin lives...

It started out simply enough. First there was a bit of a smell in the air (not all the time, just every now and then). I didn’t think too much of it, until the shower drain started running slow and the bathroom sink had a bit of a smell about it. I was able to get the shower drain to unclog by using my foot as a plunger and “paddling” over the drain until it subsided. The worst of it being that I was paddling in greywater... hmmm maybe it was a bit darker than that...

The toilet was the next thing to play up (naturally) I’m told things happen in 3's. I wasn’t about to stick my foot in the toilet to use as a plunger, so I grabbed the mop and plunged it up and down until it cleared. Oh well I needed a new mop anyway. Thanks to some strategic advertising by the good people at BioMaster, I found the answer to my Septic horror story when I Googled “How to fix Septic Tank problems "naturally" Australia?” and an article about “Flush-it” came up. I ordered a starter pack and within a few days I was able to kick-start the Septic and get it healthy again, thanks to this Australian made product.

~ Don T

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